showing 10 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtags
Bruce Lee U.S. Gold1985 alone brucelee chinese-theme claiming endlessopposition ladders martialarts npcspawning score unarmedfighting walking labelimageminimize
The Way of the Exploding Fist Melbourne House (Beam Software)1985 asia-east martialarts score unarmedfighting labelimagesubject
Yie Ar Kung-Fu Imagine1985 1on1fighting martialarts score unarmedfighting labelimageminimize
Karate Combat Superior Software1986 martialarts unarmedfighting labelimageminimize
Yie Ar Kung-Fu II Imagine1986 1on1fighting martialarts score unarmedfighting labelimageminimize
Karate Warrior Alternative Software1987 martialarts unarmedfighting labelimageminimize
The Last Ninja Superior Software (System 3)1988 actionadventure feudaljapan hires japan lastninja-series ninja ninja-theme ninjaprotagonist nunchucks throwingstars unarmedfighting labelimagesubject
Shanghai Warriors Players1989 bbcmicrob cassette commercial finiteammo jumping keyboard license-proprietary lives machineguns score throwingknives throwingstars unarmedfighting walking labelimageminimize
Subway Vigilante Players1989 beltscroller city-london-uk lives score unarmedfighting labelimageminimize
The Last Ninja 2: Back With a Vengeance Superior Software1989 actionadventure city city-newyork-ny lastninja-series ninja ninja-theme ninjaprotagonist nunchucks score swords throwingstars timetravel unarmedfighting labelimageminimize